Me And my close friend Alexia were talking about relationships, love and attraction, the other night. And throughout the conversation i kept asking myself "Why am i so determined to be in a relationship" I havent had a mate in prbablly 2 years or so and they all ended horribly. none of relationships were ever really healthly. always very emotionally draining. or i was asking for something that they couldnt give me. like love. In all of my past realtionships i have been cheated one. I dont know if it was the lack of maturity from both of us. or if we were just together for convenience. and when i say convenience i mean Sexual interaction.
But this conversation led me to this question, "Are we living just to find our true love?" I watch countless daytime shows and programs where theres always that one woman who isnt that bad looking, maybe a little crazy but yet still dateable. But for some reason she cant find a man, and is on a desperate hunt for one. Why is it that we feel so incomplete when were not in a relationship? why do we make finding a mate so damn important?
Me personally, I've always found love as a co - dependent emotion. i think that people search so hard for a relationship because they feel like they're missing something in life. They think that having a partner will somehow change everything and that life will be better than ever. but honestly, relationships are hard. esp. when your young. and i think they usually bring more problems on top of what you were already dealing with. Or am i just a bitter bitch that is scorned from my past lovers and now i despise real love? ha. maybe so. but either way i feel like being in a relationship shouldnt be such a major thing in your life. If you find love, then great. cherish it and keep it sacred. but if not focus on yourself and your personal goals. find what your really want for yourself and base decisions off that. not just because you feel like you need a partner to make you happy.
I totally agree on the whole relationship thing. I think that maybe it's a fear of being lonely. good rambling!
ReplyDeleteThanks Madeleine! your awesome =)